Saturday, January 10, 2009

some pix that i kope from yokie's blog...HL MILK!!!
after like so long i finally took a picture of myself...wootz...clap clap....
waited for yj until too bored that i decided to take some pictures....

bboy style......

soo many too update ...but i cant remember most of the stuffs already...have been a busy week.....
last week theres a lion dance troupe aniversary thingy....went with bruce lee and some other ppl....after tt went to watch ip man with shi, lion and main....
haiz too long never update forgot liaoz......
anw its have been a very busy week last week........due to projects deadline....spent new year at home doing project from 12 in the afternoon to 10 at night doing 2 reports.......didn't went for tkd camp as i was too busy doing projects........
this week was a damn busy week also.....tuesday went trainin for ivp then i went to help out for demo as i didn't want to i ended up being involve for open house tkd demo......
it was quite fun anw....cause i only hold
wednesday demo prac...
thursday,friday and today is open house.......
anw open house this year was quite dissapointing....the amount of crowd and atmosphere is already not like those of when i was yr 1......totally different kind of atmosphere...perhaps is the group of people......i feel that e guides was actually not performing vry well......maybe just the minority......when i was yr 1 most of us have the initiative as we respect the ppl that are leading i said the golden age of leaders....leaders like jackson...kumar...jason gay and jerad....]
anw i cannot judge as i only went open house for the first day...2nd day i kindda left halve way....
then went trainin.....and watched movie with gordon,main,darren,deren and tiansoon after trainin.....
today only went school for awhile....actually wanted to go help out e guides......but then when i reach school i kindda change my mind....the atmosphere was really poor....feels like theres not much visitors these year.....have been walking arnd various school.....and the amount of visitor is just like a normal school day....and the eps at the mushroom is a total turn off......maybe engineers are stupid thats why business people despise us.......
and i got 3 open house shirt these yr.....purple wan from engine,business given by shi and red wan for sports club...the black wan is really nice though......
sadly to say theres no shirt for visitor this yr....
tmr will be trainin for tournement fighters for our club...and i need to go down and assist...-.-.....
6.30am need to wake up liao......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
shall blog again when the feels come....haha...

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