Monday, September 8, 2008

Its been a week since my holiday started........and a week since i finish nationals.........

suddenly feel that i have something heavy lifted off me........

pretty much stayed at home the last week to relax and rest since i have waited soooo long for the well deserve rest....

just basically watched a few jap dramas since i got nothing to do......
watched pride and engine both acted by kimura takuya.... find it vry worthwhile to watch....definitely not a series tt i wasted my life on.......

brandon bdae on sunday ...........initial plan was spoiled as he woke up we missed sushitei and the rest of use went novena .......

we went to a place call board game cafe.....the food there was oishi and the price was damn cheap.....imagine pasta like 1 and a halve time the size of pastamania and soup plus coffee as good as starbucks and at the same time we can play boardgame for only 16bucks....definitely worth it......

then headed rk as usual........ended up dunno where to go......and we only drove one car and a bike but we got 10 ppl..... so in the end 8 ppl ended up in a 5 sitter ....
imagine 2 ppl in the front sit,one drive,4 at the back and guess where the last one go........
yup....the last guy ended up in the bad la at least still got radio although the ventilation kindda sucks......haha...........

went to bbq at a totally random place and the idea was also totally random.......ended up using a make shift bbq pit and almost burn everything we can find just to start the fire.....-.-......

home at 5 and fell sick the nxt day.......

and also somefree time for me to slack in starbucks dreamin durin the holidays...............

soo many people to catch up with durin the holidays.....
npcc bros....
tkd friends......
sec school mates...
poly classmates..
kyandi and gang....
fifi still owe me lunch btw......
aki my aussie me a tix to aus thnx...
dan and his botak hair which i havn't get to see...
maybe cousins...
dance mates......kenneth when u gonna teach me?.....
and many many more.........

but but but......i got no time!!!........sip have been extended!!!!........die lor........
my only 1 week of holiday have been spent such a pig........

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