Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lotz of things tt i have tot through my head when i got nothing to do.......skip my nonsense if it bothers u............lotz of rambling if u decided to read it.....

might offend lotz of ppl.......but i dun really care......

I'm so tired rite now........really really tired......with no goal in interest in wadeva....
not serious about any thing.......

i really wonder wad am i gonna do when i grow up........


im never serious in relationship, cause i can never commit......i dun like to be tied down.....
average poly students are only 18-20.......guys havn't even enter army and gals not even working yet...... i believe tt most relationship are will end up with both party breaking like 90% of the time......ppl just wanna have fun and experience......

so whats wrong bout being single?....means nobody wants you?.....why are guys so desperate for gals?......i dun understand.....all those stupid kids think got bf gf very cool?......u are just being use to show off ...baka........

and so many of my friends being sad and all emo after breaking up......wads the prob with u guys.... breaking just means that u are not ready or the time is not right yet........

its just a game after all........find the right wan game complete.....find the wrong wan game over.....

just my 2 cents of thought bout relationship....

Major project

after 19 weeks of mp we still need to suffer extension of mp........fked it the project partner.......if only i dare to ram my leg through ur face.......if only this is not singapore......


tomorow is my match......i dun even feel like fighting.....i feel like just giving up.........don't have the strength to fight..........

i really think i dun deserve my belt.......
i feel like the rank is being bought rather then earn.....

and sad to say tt so many black belt sucks nowadays......if it was 30 years ago improbably stuck at white belt...........

im starting to give up tkd...if im just learning it as a sport then theres no point bruce lee.....i'll go swim and jog for a change.....


also lately that i see a trend of putting up a wishlist ...... its okay to have one or two wishes......but wtf ppl have like 2million over things that they want.....humans will never be satisfied....i'll bet even if they got all those item in their list it will still increase......its just like will never stop.....

and some smalls girl that have like 2million over things in their wishlist and hope ppl will buy for u......i think u can fk off..... and stop acting cute....... like i give a shit........

And poly students they want clothes new jeans new wadever......and after buying it u realise that u dun really need it.......u just buy and buy and buyin a $300 u really need it?..... of course u dun feel anything......cause its ur parents money after all.........u ppl are never satisfied....tts how ugly humans are........maybe u can start buyin all ur rubbish when u earn ur own money.

Theres a diff between needs and wants......example u can get a cheap handphone but then u decided that u want an iphone cause all the cool kids out there is using it.....the basic function of the phone is to call......if u wan all the fancy functions get urself a tablet pc its more worth it....

tts all my rambling tts goin through my head.......

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