Saturday, May 2, 2009


Anyway i missed some updates........

Went bac school the other day to rent the stupid graduation attire which looks like harry potter attire.....its freakin 25bucks to rent tt crap...i need to work 2 and halve hours HOR!! just to rent tt crap.....

then met hiu ching for lunch....hiu ching u then pig can.....nxt time i cook pork cutlet for u!!....
and she still cant decide whether to run bsc or not...haha......JUST RUN!...then can help me kope business shirts...^^

then met with yokie,wq and jian for lunch again...whaha....

then went home and met noisy jasmine low on the bus stop.....

went for work after tt!!.....WORK IS FUN!!....and JOAN AND JIAMIN IS GONNA JOIN ME!! cool is tt.....and also chong ghee started work today!!!.......workin with all ur friend sure is cool stuff.....DUA HIGH AH!!.....lets go for 3hour break together!!.....

anw after work ytd went to met up with my freshies at ps....i kindda overslept in the process....

after tt went to work again till this morning.....

work was alrite last night....only bout 5 flights throughout the night....went to slack at lounge area and watch X GAME ASIA!!!.....SPEED CLIMBING IS SO FREAKIN COOL!!!........i go learn liao.....

k im gonna hibernate from now still 6 and head to work again......

as u can see im pack with stuff these few a busy boy hor......siao siao....

my bio rytheme is slowly adapting to the night......u can call me owl man....

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