Sunday, April 19, 2009

JUST FINISHED MY LAST CAMP IN TP!!....and....hmmmmmm

i dun really know where to start bloggin....i have been missin out on lotz of update.....

and i dun really wanna blog about it yet......

bloggin bout it means that im putting a full stop to everything....

like summarisin my life in tp.......

i'll blog again when i tot off everything......and when i have like lotz of time to summarise everything....

anw though i didn't get IFC for week 0....but Q906 u guys rocks!!!.....and sad for IFC only 5 classes this sem....and so little GALS!!!....

dun think engine will ever win the

and i swear the dip head incharge of my class sucks.....stupid gui lan face.... if not for eileen i swear i will shoot him during debrief like no tmr......plz show the yr 3s some respect u dog...after all they are more experience...

and also anyone with jobs lobang plz contact me!!! i need a freakin job!!...

stupid NS faster send me the pink letter la bitch...

On the side note
the yj gang have been goin to lan the pass for weeks...
think they got addicted to L4D.....plz stop L4Din cause yuan jian and zack is a burden!!.....
can u noobs squat when u r infront....and zack u bitch...always ask me to startle the witch....

and also i have been missing out with outings with my sec school family....due to the marathons of camps.....

Thanks LI LING for the key chain from laos....hope to cya soon ... get ur black belt soon!!

Thanks MOMOS for giving me the new nick name "medic"...sounds so holy...

Also for yokie bdae
Ivan the bastard only wanna make use off us to accompany him to bugis....plz dun listen to ivan in future for any of his useless suggestion which is more useless then wei qiang's....

and yokie stop showing off ur smudge shirt which looks like a bugis street shirt!!...and u havn't send me the super long sms which u apparently only send to gals tt wish u.....

Sorry JO for missing out on ur bdae as i was in camp....
glad u guys have fun ransackin zack's home......

AND MUM went overseas again to turkey..
hope she have a save trip...

And the upcoming events which is comin up one after another....
tmr subcom dinner
wed freshie outing
week 0 outing
sheeryl bdae
log outing...

we need to plan something budget like just talk a walk arnd ecp of pasir ris park lol.....

shall stop here...

will blog when i blog again....

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