Sunday, March 29, 2009

darren tryin to time damien to see how long he will take to take the picture
darren as the pt instructor
kok sheng as the begger......

samuel the mime and me as...erm...i dunno...cid?....wo shi jing chai!!!

Have not been updating for a long time as im lazy!!......

shall update bout some stuff

latest event being tp tkd chalet ytd night...
have not seen the team for a long time ever since after ivp....kindda lost touch with tkd bondin with them was not vry strong to begin with...

didn't stay for long.....came for the bbq and left shortly after tt ........only took a picture with my phone...
tkd peeps are loved!!...keep stuffing me with foods!!!....they keep sayin im too skinny...first word tt came out of their mouth is ask me go
eh yokie, janice says tt ur using ur toe as and excuse for napha lol...which i agrees to the max!!!
and she says tt im shy..... i feel threat when im arnd strangers can.......
after bbq tag along for pool.....and we almost book the whole pool center to ourselves as theres too many ppl......

apparently the group is tryin to catch some soft toys......and they spent lotz of money on the machine....

anw need to rush home if not i will miss the last bus...really wanted to stay and catch up but i cant....sry peeps.......

on friday night went for otc log comm bbq....last bonding session before foc/fow starts....
and i just realize fo's last for 8 days!!!!!
WHA LAU EH!!!i tot 7 only....why got 2 day 0 sia.....tired eh..medic also tired wan eh...SHI JIN!!
and need to pay 30bucks for another 2 shirt which makes my camp shirt collection even bigger..thnx arh.....8days need to pack alot of stuff eh.....
after the bbq went to mtc for awhile ....and just nice they are having night sun bian join in and have fun.......and theres vry little yr 3s sad to say.......all yr 1s and 2s.....oh theres some cute gals!....WHA LAU WHERES ALL THE YR 3s!!!.....other then main comm i only saw weilin,guan hui and jerlyn...and leslie.....i should have gone for mtc.....if not for dnd which took a toll on me.....and the l4d for the whole night....
and the night walk was not very scary actually... compared to fo's.....for fo's there more casualties includin the ppl tt was scaring the GLs....which is me......i think its because of the lack of make up.....erm......organiser take glad to see pl like sam,bel and de ming.....year 3 OEI!!! wad bel wads the name of the cheer leader tt cry...intro lei.....haha....
will go week 0 to support!!!.....if fo's doesn't kill me.....wad doesn't kills you makes you stronger!!!...
welcome back!!!.......
gerald completed the pizza prata challenge on his first attempt!!....ZAI!!.....imagine a tray full off pizza....tts the size......and cheng hui only manage to finish halve of it...ha....
then went to play the gang all time favourite texas hol'em which i lost 10bucks.......actually everyone lost 10 bucks and leslie won 70bucks.....zzzzzzzzz.....
then i kindda lost touch with them as i went china/hk
only took 2 pictures from china/hk with my phone lol.....cause my phone is running out of bat

shall update on dnd again...too many pictures...too lazy to upload!!!......

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