Friday, February 6, 2009

Class picture
open house pic....just slacking...

just some stupid updates that i have been missing........

recently busy collecting dnd tix money machiam some loan shark........
and also some last min ppl.....why cant ppl like just be enthu and take the lead......
why most majority of the ppl follow the crowd as though they cant think for themselve....
u go i go lor.....u go die i go die lor......-.-.......

and the malaysia trip organise by bruce lee...really dun feel like goin sia......go there no friendly match only go train with them might as well dun go......i rather spend me money goin shopping with my friends.......

missing out quite alot of stuff due to the currently hectic lifestyle thnx to ivp......and projects......
and quizes...and the mission impossible labtest ......

finally done with ccom interview with turn out to be funny thnx to wilson and wei qiang...

rafiQ:so wad do u sell in ck?.
rafiQ:so how do u promote wear and convince the customer to buy it.
WQ:i help them to measure the size,see wad material is good for them,young ppl like to wear the underwear with the strapout,find the colour.....
rafiQ:i need a 1minute break

and wilson machiam machine gun....u scared not enough time arh.....machiam 400words in 1 minute.......

and also finally taken my napfa test.....which i thought tt i could get gold as the manage to score quite well for all my station....and then the unexpected D for 2.4.......then gg lor....
too long never run liao......wha lao eh.....silver man.....need to start trainin bac my stamina soon......

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