Saturday, December 13, 2008

FINDIN FOR THIS MODEL IN PINK!!!.....polaroid one600 classic...
Bought this .......polaroid impluse.......

first attempt......

damn ytd was a waste of time and money.......-.-............park car at bugis then forget take out the key and i lock the door manually........THEN THE KEY STUCK IN THE CAR!!....RAWR!!!!....
FUGGED LA.........

then need to go home take spar key....zzzzzz..........

nxt time dun drive liao........stress......need to think of alert of traffic....alert of taxi drivers.......traffic light....speed cam....road....parking......ROAR!!!!.......

lesson learnt.....quit driving!

ytd almost buang taxi......-.-.........too tired...wanna go home fast......floor gas.......never check mirror......luckily nothing happen........T.T...........i'll drive 50 from now on.........


Went peninsula after term test the other day to find for polaroid cam........but failed....checked every single store.....all off them gimme the same answer........polaroid cam have stopped production......sianz.......

so i went online and finally found someone tt sell tonns of polaroid cam.......went down her house to look for one tt i want........


one thing is tt the film is fuggin ex!! 2 pack of film can buy another cam liao....

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