Monday, December 22, 2008

Back from otc 08/09...........was a vry last min call back from JO-AN!!....

was in logistic department for the first experience....first time got so much time to slack in camp.....

thanks to loggers for tryin to make me feel part of the team.....

thanks programmer for being nice to us......night walk was fun.....its more fun then engine nightwalk...

thanks foodmin for the wonderful food......

wednesday was day 0.....was a fuggin busy day for me as i have to run between tkd camp and otc....and also meet dan......omg i think im super be at so many places in one day....
reach camp at night....then went for trail night walk which was quite fun........

day 1...had to go cmpb to take my pilot campass test.......stupid test 5HOURS CAN!!!!.....
consist of iq test.....multi tasking test....plane meters test.....direction test....hand,leg and eye coordination test....test until headache....worst then the stupid mapas test......

the multi tasking wan was damn bullshit la......seriously too hard to control the damn plane and listen to the stupid count down and at the same time focus on the shap and number shown.......RAWRRRR......GAY TEST.......
then theres a part where u need to guide the plane through the arcade like tt de......which i tot i did vry zai liao......guess how much i get for it?.............drum rolls...........

5/10!!!!!!.........WTH............alredy drive like 1 pro liao lor.........but the last try i got 9/10.....

then some parts of the test are pretty test......

then decided not to head back to camp as my head is really aching after the dumb test......and skipped ivp trainin also.......zzzzz........

day 2 went back to camp at arnd 12.......then followed my blur group leader to tm......3YRS IN SCHOOL LIAO STILL CANNOT READ MAP!!! man......he lead use to the cc opposite school when we are suppose to go to the cc at tm......then he too lazy to even carry 2 plastic god............go be bapok la.....

after reaching the station then we stone there.....cause all the loggers like lost sheeps......dunno whether they got listen during briefin or not sia.......yr 3 to lead by example sia.........then throughout the whole thing only flirt with wan zhen.......machiam ivan...big and useless.......zzzz........

night walk was at 11pm.....SUPPOSED TO BE AT 11PM!!....i think it started at arnd we waited for like 2hrs.......taking pics and chatting........

i think im damn pro at scaring ppl la.......wootz..........everygroup that came in with gals will end up crying.....some too afriad to continue then zi tao go in one room then zao already......-.-...
ONE GROUP OF GALS PANICK AND STEP ALL OVER ME CAN!!! crawling speed is like 70km/hr can.......i think i dun even need the make up.....

hiu ching ask me a damn funny question......need to wear specs or not see ghost wear specs wan or not......

day 3 practically slept most of the time........was sleeping at the corridoor.....then kena sunburnt when i woke up........

went home at 5 to go hell trainin.......

shall upload pictures when i receive them...........

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