Monday, December 8, 2008

ARH !!!!! my legs cui liao..........1 week no need go trainin............

Ytd was standard chartered marathon ......... the event where you pay to go torture urself....

strangely we people like to toture ourself!!!! life is too stress tt we need to do stupid things like running 42km........

actually its more like standard chartered walkathon since everyone is like running after the 10km mark......

my legs went out of order at the 20km i have to walk 22km bac to the finishin point....

WALK ALSO KNEE PAIN startin part my shirt is like super sweaty......after 20km super dry alot of stamina but cant run......everystep cause pain in my knee area and deep heat dosn't seems to work........the amount of deep heat people are using like scary man......machiam use the whole tube.......whole leg white colour

and i was waiting the power gel station which is like at 23km......kan budget sia stand chart.....can put more power gel station or not.........and more banana station thnx......

must be lack or trainin tts why leg pain here pain there..cramps and crap.....nxt time must train first then go chiong......MUST WIN KENYANS....haha.......think too much.......

this crap is wad u get for finishin btw......and a shirt........its the same everyyear

but at least i walk finish the damn thing........tot can finish within 5hrs.......wth la.....timing fugly sia......


And now im studying for the fuggin term test whole day liao still dun really get wad is channel coding and interleaving....the lecture notes english maybe too chim for me.....wth sia......dunno got wad interleave ,deinterleave then link here link until i also blur......

havn't started on broadband yet.......cause its too scary to start......the whole book is full of words.......-.-......imagine harry potter .......maybe the should name it harry potter and the broadband tech

seriously this rocs........expresso double shot.......mum bought it from

this is wad keeps me awake in the middle of the night doing stupid things like learning how to park my dad's van......

theres just one thing tt separates the van and normal cars.....its something call the blindspot....basically u cannot see the damn car behind and can only judge by using the side mirror........

and im driving slow as shit lately cause of rain.......and dunno wad reason....maybe tryin to be go over 80km.....cause im a save driver.......^^.......


and then december is vry pack due to prject deadlines and christmas and camps and shits and bla bla and supper and trainin and again bla bla and chalets and bla bla bla........

-netsec broadband(wq,yokie,wilson plz decide when u all wanna meetup and do the crap)

-mcom report(havn't even really draft it yet)

-ccom no idea wads goin on....

-broadbandtech report(wq and zack pl decide when to meetup and finish the crap)

-mp project cd thingy(mp is hunting me since last sem)

-tkd camp(i dun wanna teach pattern or wad ...i wanna go racing...weeee)

-ivp trainin(think of it also sianz....2hrs of hell)

-christmas celebrations.(no idea wads goin on)

-camps(eguides?.....anyone?...SHI I WANNA BE LOGISTICS!!!...and ur shoe,btt,ftt,skipping ropes and a bunch of other things are still with

-christmas shopping(no time for tt,no money also...all the money went to the food...)

-catching up...(dan,ivan,yokie plz plan....lets not let ivan plan anw cause he will always last min ps....and some other ppl.)

-suppers(AARON CALL ME!)

-and the class catch up(JOJO LAST SEM LIAO!!!!!...AFTER THIS SEM ALL BOTAK LIAO)...

need to cut down on my current spendings....although i already spend vry little.....due to economic downfall thousands are losing their jobs......should save more money while u should not spend b4 they learn how to earn.....parents are working hard just to sustain the daily glad about your having today and be thankful no matter how much ur allowance is and not whine and complain tt it is too little as there are always people in much worst scenario......

tts bout all for now

ooo and SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!....although i dunno why always hari raya wan....i tot hari raya tt time over liao>? come got hariraya again....i remember i wish zack hari raya the other time......then today hari raya again...LOL

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