Friday, October 17, 2008

Went so sent GERALD ONG JUANG YE to china for his sip today.......
6month bodoh....
no more crazy stuff in the middle off the night more regular rk.....
no more midnight bbq......sadness..........
we will wait for ur return.......till then we shall be good boys.....^^..........
dun vry all the bbq stuff is still in ur car......shall go bbq when u return.......
hope ur mum knows how to use
had our last crazy meal at terminal 3 popeye.....machiam last supper......

the last sms he sent....."dun miss me....u guys still can have sex together without me..."...
lol......zai only.......

and cheng hui also goin to china for sip nxt week........

and me goin for medical checkup soon........

life is full of food for food=no life..........

went out with yokie also....actually its meant to be a class outing.....but only 2 of us went in the end......then nvm lor......just chill and catch up.....
went to eat lotz of stuff again......icecream,tou hui and craps.......
then tok bout the stupid mlm experience......joke sia.....
imagine someone wanna intro u a product then u intro another product back to him.....

and im vry piss with mlm people.......plz stop asking me to join any mlm company.......

school is startin on monday and i got a fked up time table......i GOT NO ELECTIVES....die lor....
no need supervisor said tt its some internal error.....hopefully it is.........

missin some updates maybe........
have been eating the past few days........watching the new bruce lee series which i tihnk is damn inspiring.....teaches u how to be a better person.....

standard chart 42km marathon is drawin near and i havn't started my trainin.......die ......just walk all the way lor...the most take 8hours.....

near years plan for tkd......march go malaysia for friendly tournement....aka human sandbag....

june korea trip......go get whack by koreans.....

sea game selection.....hopefully can go pawn ppl......

get referee pass.....get coach pass........

wanna learn karate cause got cute gals in school karate....^^............

tts all for now.....

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