Thursday, July 24, 2008

Last friday....After trainin went to meet up with Aaron,kenny,gerald,cheng hui and louis...

Rk house again.....this time we start out easy one plaster and one syrup limao and indian rojak....
then headed belestiar for ba kut teh....while waiting for ah leow to come we played a joke....
we pull out a chair a act as though ah leow was there the auntie there also damn funny they play along with us......cheng hui tell them ah leow wan more soup they really pour soup into his empty
after tt went to kovan to eat at the hong kong cafe....24 hour wan seh....was about 5am in the morning at tt time...-.-.....imagine from 12am eat all the way until 5am........

then drive gerald car around the car park...

went home at 6...bath rest bout 10 min and headed out to ssdc to take my e trial for ftt.....
finish bout 9...reach home bout 9.30.....

sleep for 2 hours b4 heading to braddel height cc to help out for the stupid tkd grading.....stupid grader this time take super long...idiot....anyway i think everyone pass wan...they dunno just let them fail la....everyone also pass so many pom belt kam many go there also ge yen do nothing......pom belt kena trash by brown belt somemore.....-.-.....maybe if philip still around more then halve will fail.....people obviously dunno pattern still can pass.....then for ppl tt train so hard and pass ,is it fair for them....go die la........

so the dumb thing end at bout 5...went home sleep for 2 hours....then go and meet the rest again to watch movie....-.- no sleep for 48 hours liao.......went amk hub sub way for dinner...then k pool..

movie start at 12.30 ended bout 3 cant remember.......anw we watch dark knight.......super duper awesome movie tt i would really recommend.......story plot awesome,sound effect awesome,computer effect awesome,acting awesome,lighting awesome basically a vry awesome movie.......5stars in my opinion.....think tt joker is like super cool although his a baddie shit...
WHY SO stuff........plot is vry well plan....too well plan infact....

sunday finally can rest for the whole day.........

monday was trainin again....trainin for nationals.........bout time to increase my weight to 2kg per leg.....turning kick still has lotz of delay...its my lousiest kick anw....will need alot more time to get better.......

tuesday went to take my ftt.....PASSED appear in front of me....also an indication for me to book my tp...muahahaha.......went to nyp after tt to scout on nyp tkd...grinss....actually went there to return aaron his ftt book....then sun bian do scouting....hehehe....

wednesday for 4th prac....... engine stall until i also sianz....stall 3 times in a row tihnk i record holder liao.....the clutch pedal seriiosly piss me off.......over release like 0.000000001cm also engine stall wth........stall for one whole green light.......then we no stall red light liao....GRRRR..... need more practice with the clutch....halve clutch...then slowly release......sianz....why they never invent something easier then we no need halve clutch ...should event new machasm tt can full clutch release wan guess tts the reason why ppl fail tp.....

goin to zone 12 today to pass up the nationals form and also go there for some light trainin........

tts bout it.........

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