Monday, June 30, 2008

currently stuck with a very tough choice…..

whether to choose mob com and broadband technologies or game des and web services……..

firstly web services and game design is obviously like more cool stuff and more interesting and mob com and broadband is like blaaahhhhh………

but but but.. all of u miss out something…….how many % of the game programmer in the world are actually making money…….to program a game is not easy…..if u succeed u make it big….like how blizzard and just swim in a pool of money just by making warcarft and wow…….but if u FAIL…then u get nothing…..web services?…….abit similar i think….u need more skills then just web services alone….seo skills,flashy,dream weaver,fireworks,photoshop and bla bla bla……..

now lets take a look at mob com. more off how the mobile communicate with each other.. kindda dull and stuff…..dun really know the job prosphect…..but singtel is making it big though… now lets take a look at broadband tech….another boring thing…..connecting wires…routing… setting up a network then stone after tt…..but it seems to have bigger job scope….

so im stuck between this 2 dumb chioce…….-.-

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